16-Dec-1996: Girl portrait in a train, travelling Oradea -> Cluj, Romania.

The negative of this photo (film) has a many technical problems. Some of them is that the film is TMAX-400 pushed at 1600 and the light conditions are bad (light source at the right / darkness at the left). In order to have this image, I scanned the film several times (appying different exposures) and then I combined the images using HDR (High Dynamic Range) algorithm. This photograph has been selected from the following two images:


16-Dec-1996: Portrait of a gypsy, while travelling with train from Oradea -> Cluj, Romania.

The full set of photos that has been shot (and these two has been selected) are in the following image:
This photograph has been used in the following article (a film scenario in Hungarian language): (fiction) Nagyot robbant Fliegauf roma-drámája.


16-Dec-1996: Gipsy woman in a train, while travelling from Oradea -> Cluj, Romania.

This photo it is selected from the following contact sheet, in the contact sheet you can see the atmosphere with the travellers in the train: