Summer 2012: 20 photographs from India exposed @ Cafe Allokoto, Komotini.

In a previous post we saw a video with 126 images from India. These are the 20 images that has been selected and they are being exposed this summer @ Cafe Allokoto, Komotini. The black & white images are shot with film black & white, the color images are digital (shot with Nikon D700).


20-March-2012: kids - Jodhpur (poster my exposition of photography from India), India.

This photograph has been selected as a poster for my exposion of photography that will take place in a local cafe in Komotini, Greece on 21 of June 2012. The poster of the exposition is bellow and the image has been cropped a little bit to the right. The design of the poster is from graphic designer Vaso (link spagheti design). Some encyclopedic information about Jodhpur (this city is called also as "the blue city"): The blue color in the past was used only by Brahmani high cast (blue house was a house of a higher cast). Later this color was used by lower casts because people believed that this color enhance the cooling of the house and expels the mosquitoes ;-). More cities in the region of Rajastan in India have this blue color, ie. Bundi.
  •  Jodhpur (article at en.wikipedia).
This is the full set of images where this image has been selected:


21-June-2012: Exposition of photography - India, Cafe Allokoto, Komotini, Greece.

This is a promotion video of my exposition of photography with photographs from India that will take place on 21 of June 2012 at Cafe Allokoto in Komotini. In the video footage we see fast 126 images from which 20 has been selected for the exposition. The music in the video is from MumBai Mafia and the sample is "Bollywood Snuff Movie" (which is distributed under creative commons 3.0 share-alike).


28-Jul-2011: Women-rain, Chitwan jungle, Nepal.

May-be an image like that is better to be shot in colour. Generally speaking Asia is full of colour and it is a question if a photographer should choose colour or black and white. Recently in a speech of the Turkish photographer  Ara Gulerm, mentioned that issue. Asia is full of colour so the photographer has no other choice rather to choose colour. This image is from the  Chitwan jungle in Nepal and it has been selected from the following set of images:
 Image with rain from Asia posted photographer Steve McCurry in his blog: